Unbundled Family Law and Divorce Legal Services | Prenuptial Agreements | Woodland Hills | Ventura | Los Angeles
Divorce and Family Law Attorney providing Unbundled Legal Services and Premarital Agreements to Los Angeles and Ventura clients, including attorneys and other professionals
We provide Unbundled Legal Services to advise and assist people handling their own divorce or family law cases in Pro Per, including lawyers who don't practice family law and other professionals. If you have a Divorce or Family Law case pending in the Los Angeles or Ventura Courts, we are local and available to help you. If you retain an attorney, your spouse will most likely also retain a divorce lawyer. Do you want to avoid the risk of attorney fee obligations to two retained attorneys? Would you prefer to represent yourself in Pro Per (aka in Propria Persona or Pro Se) with guidance from an experienced divorce and family law attorney? Do you have the knowledge and experience to enable you to properly handle your Family Law case? Do you know how to prepare or respond to a Petition or an RFO, propound or respond to discovery, prepare your Declaration of Disclosure, prepare for your Deposition, testify, or prepare witnesses? We can assist you with all of those things. Unbundled Services from an experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorney will help you represent yourself in court.
Do you need an experienced Family Lawyer to prepare or negotiate your Prenuptial Agreement?
Contact Donald F. Conviser at Warner Center Law Offices in Woodland Hills, today. We have the knowledge, experience and skill to help you get the best results.
We have provided Unbundled Legal Services to Bankruptcy Attorneys, Criminal Lawyers, Estate Planning Attorneys, Personal Injury Lawyers, Probate Attorneys, Transactional attorneys, Worker's Compensation Lawyers, other attorneys, CEOs, CFOs, CPAs, M.D.s, Dentists, IT Professionals, and other people who don't want to be (or appear to be) represented by counsel. If you retain an attorney to represent you, the other party will be inclined to retain an attorney too, and attorney's fees will mount rapidly on both sides. If you represent yourself in Pro Per, the other party will be more inclined to represent herself or himself in Pro Per. You are not required to reveal in any document prepared for you by an unbundling lawyer that it was prepared by an attorney or that it was the product of Unbundled Services from an attorney.
Are you considering entering a Premarital Agreement? We have the experience and knowledge to prepare or negotiate your Prenup.
Offering a Powerful, Efficient, Successful Approach to Family Law, call 818.880.8990 or 888.616.0659 | Free Telephone Consultation
Warner Center Law Offices is a boutique law firm serving men and women throughout Los Angeles and Ventura County contemplating or going through divorce, for over 40 years. We provide unbundled consultation services to people who choose to represent themselves in Divorce and Family Law cases, especially non-lawyer professionals, or lawyers without Family Law experience such as Bankruptcy Attorneys, Criminal Lawyers, Transactional Attorneys, etc.
We have assisted people with their divorce and family law cases in Superior Courts in Chatsworth, Van Nuys, San Fernando, Ventura, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, Pomona, Torrance, and Long Beach, among others.
Warner Center Law Offices’ attorney, Donald F. Conviser, has practiced Family and Divorce Law in California for more than 40 years. He is sharp-witted, efficient and dedicated to empowering people to be the masters, not the victims, of their situations.
Accessible and Communicative
No two cases are identical. We take the time to learn about your situation, identify your objectives and employ innovative and creative techniques to prepare you to seek and attain a solution that is right for you.
We value communication. We encourage frequent communication via phone and e-mail, and we respond promptly.
Our law practice includes the following services:
- Preparing your Petition
- Responding to the Petition
- Propounding discovery (interrogatories, requests for admission, inspection demands)
- Responding to discovery (interrogatories, requests for admission, inspection demands), including objections and Motions for Protective Orders if needed
- Reviewing discovery responses for adequacy
- Preparing you for your deposition
- Preparing you to take the other party's deposition
- Preparing Subpoenas for people and/or documents
- Preparing meet-and-confer letters
- Preparing discovery Motions
- Responding to discovery Motions
- Preparing your Declarations of Disclosure
- Drafting RFOs
- Responding to RFOs
- Replying to Responses to RFOs (you must immediately contact us if you wish us to do so due to the brief time limit to Reply)
- Preparing your testimony for trial or RFO hearings
- Preparing witness testimony for trial or RFO hearings
- Strategizing and planning your case
- Family law - divorce
- Prenuptial agreements - Postnuptial agreements
- Child custody - visitation
- Child Support and Child Support Modification
- Spousal Support and Spousal Support Modification
- Property division
- Nonmarital dissolution
- Paternity
Unbundled Legal Services | Los Angeles | Ventura | Divorce | Family Law
Are you seeking Unbundled Legal Services to assist you in representing yourself in your Los Angeles or Ventura Divorce or Family Law case?
Are you contemplating Divorce? Were you served with a Divorce or Family Law case? Are you unhappy with your current attorney? Do you need or did you receive a Premarital Agreement? Call 818.880.8990 or 888.616.0659, Warner Center Law Offices of Donald F. Conviser, for a free telephone consultation or to set an appointment for Unbundled Legal Consultation Services